Open source solutions, consulting, and support

Vita encrypts your network traffic at scale.

Snabb is a simple, fast software data-plane.

Rush is a fast software data-plane written in Rust.

Hello, World!

We inters are enthusiastic about networks and open source. Since 2014 we have helped develop and maintain Snabb.

In 2017 we started working on Vita with the goal to broaden network privacy by making traffic encryption at scale a commodity. We would love to help you deploy it, and extend Vita to meet your requirements!

We are also interested in supporting or even developing your Snabb- or RaptorJIT-powered application, be it open source or not.



Priority support, and scoped feature development


Expert consultation on your deployment or project


Need more?
Contact us, and tell us about your specific needs


We’re looking forward to hearing from you! 🤓

Send a mail to for further inquiry or for a quote.

Meet your consultant

Max Rottenkolber
Max Rottenkolber

Lead engineer

Our focus

Sustainable software with a focus on high performance and reliability

We are experts in bypassing the operating system and the associated overhead to deliver maximum efficiency, getting the most out of your silicon.

You can depend on our expertise in the area of network protocols and security

With our experience implementing RFCs and analyzing protocols, we can help you figure out if a protocol is a good fit for you.

We don’t believe in a world where one size fits all

We are interested in finding the simplest, most economic solution to your individual problem. We believe in interoperability through open specifications in a heterogeneous technology landscape.

Why high performance?

Computers are still becoming faster: more cores, more cache, and smarter chips. Yet every CPU cycle spent is energy consumed that could have been spent elsewhere. Our obsession with performance is rooted in a desire for a green computing industry.

Service: what’s included


  • Includes personal, confidential developer support via email or voice call
  • Can also include the development of features with limited scope (please note that merging features upstream requires community consensus)
  • We will usually respond to your support requests within less than three business days
  • Includes up to 18 days of undivided attention from one of our engineers
  • Consultation and on-site visits are not included


  • Includes expert consultation and major feature development in addition to everything covered by the Support offer
  • Includes up to 125 days of undivided attention from one of our consultants
  • On-site visits possible


  • In case you need more (or less), we are happy to work out a custom offer that fits your requirements
  • We are ready to work with small and large clients alike
  • Get in touch to see what we can do for you!

Ready to get started?

Send a mail to for further inquiry or for a quote.

Our dear clients

Snabb Solutions GmbH
Mettle Networks
Tools for network simulation Q3 2021
We helped Daily build a tool for simulating networks in the wild. To make it we used Rush, a fast network data-plane toolkit inspired by Snabb, written in Rust. Interested in networking tools in Rust? Talk to us!