Connecting a Multi-Regional Kubernetes Cluster with Vita on AWS EC2
In this demo we will setup an intercontinental IPv4 VPN between two data centers using Vita, and run a distributed Kubernetes cluster across both regions. Network traffic between the two regions will be routed via a Vita tunnel.
Lab Setup
AWS EC2 was chosen for this demo for its low barrier of access, and having flexible networking options. We run NixOS (19.09.981.205691b7cbe x86_64-linux) on all instances to ensure the setup is reproducible.
We configure a VPC for each region with distinct private subnets. We will call them vpc-paris and vpc-tokyo.
VPC | Subnet | Default Gateway |
vpc-paris | | |
vpc-tokyo | | |
In each region we create two EC2 instances. One instance c5.xlarge
to host a Vita node, and one c5.large
instance to host a Kubernetes node.
Instance | VPC | Type |
vita-paris | vpc-paris | c5.xlarge |
vita-tokyo | vpc-toyko | c5.xlarge |
kube-node-paris | vpc-paris | c5.large |
kube-node-tokyo | vpc-tokyo | c5.large |
The Vita nodes are each assigned four elastic network interfaces (ENA). The first interface is used as a management interface to SSH into the instance, the second interface will be the private interface used by Vita, and the remaining interfaces will be the public interfaces used by Vita (one for each queue—we will assign each Vita instance two CPU cores).
Instance | Interface | Private IP | Public IP |
vita-paris | eth0 | | |
vita-paris | eth1 | | None |
vita-paris | eth2 | | |
vita-paris | eth3 | | |
vita-tokyo | eth0 | | |
vita-tokyo | eth1 | | None |
vita-tokyo | eth2 | | |
vita-tokyo | eth3 | | |
Important! The private interface (eth1) for each Vita instance must have its “Source/dest. check” option disabled in order for it to be able to forward packets.

The Kubernetes nodes are each assigned a single interface. Note that the public IPs here are only used for management (i.e., to SSH into the instances).
Instance | Interface | Private IP | Public IP |
kube-node-paris | eth0 | | |
kube-node-tokyo | eth0 | | |
Note. For convenience during testing we assign a permissive security group to all network interfaces which allows all incoming traffic. In a real setup, for Vita nodes, you would only allow ICMP and SSH on the management interfaces, ICMP, ESP and UDP/303 (for the AKE protocol) on the public interface, and restrict the private interface as needed.
Configuring Vita
We will use XDP to drive the EC2 instances’ ENA virtual NICs. For that we need a Linux kernel with XDP_SOCKETS
support, and a recent ENA driver that support ethtool --set-channels
boot.kernelPackages = let linux_pkg = { fetchurl, buildLinux, ... } @ args: buildLinux (args // rec { version = "5.5.0"; modDirVersion = version; src = fetchurl { url = ""; sha256 = "87c2ecdd31fcf479304e95977c3600b3381df32c58a260c72921a6bb7ea62950"; }; extraConfig = '' XDP_SOCKETS y ''; extraMeta.branch = "5.5"; } // (args.argsOverride or {})); linux = pkgs.callPackage linux_pkg{}; in pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (pkgs.linuxPackagesFor linux);
enabled.The ENA driver currently do not support ethtool --config-nfc
beyond modifying the RSS hash, so we will use a separate ENA with a single combined queue for each public interface. We isolate CPU cores 2 and 3 of the c5.xlarge
instances for use by Vita.
boot.kernelParams = [ "isolcpus=2-3" ] boot.postBootCommands = '' ethtool --set-channels eth1 combined 2 ethtool --set-channels eth2 combined 1 ethtool --set-channels eth3 combined 1 '';
Finally, we can clone and install Vita on the instance via nix-env
, and run it on the isolated CPU cores.
git clone nix-env -i -f vita
.vita --name paris --xdp --cpu 2,3
We configure the Vita nodes as follows:
- Configure eth1 as the IPv4 private interface, use as next hop (we let the default router forward packets to the subnet’s hosts). The private interface will process packets on two queues in RSS mode.
- Configure eth2 and eth3 as IPv4 public interfaces for queue 1 and 2. Both use first and only device queue of their interface by setting
to 1. Further, we specify the NATed public IP via thenat-ip
option. Again, we set the default gateway as the next hop. - Set the MTU to 1440 to account for encapsulation overhead as the EC2 ENA interfaces provide us with a standard MTU of 1500 by default.
- Configure an IPv4 route to the remote Vita node. Besides the remote subnet, the route is assigned two gateways identified by the public IP address of the remote public interface (one per queue).
private-interface4 { ifname eth1; mac 0a:cc:b1:e4:24:d2; ip; nexthop-ip; } public-interface4 { queue 1; ifname eth2; device-queue 1; mac 0a:42:13:9e:a8:ae; ip; nat-ip; nexthop-ip; } public-interface4 { queue 2; ifname eth3; device-queue 1; mac 0a:33:39:04:9c:ac; ip; nat-ip; nexthop-ip; } mtu 1440; route4 { id tokyo; gateway { queue 1; ip; } gateway { queue 2; ip; } net ""; preshared-key "ACAB129A..."; spi 1234; }
To apply the configuration we can use snabb config
. To see what the Vita node is doing we can use snabb config get-state
to query its run-time statistics, and snabb top
to watch its internal links in real-time.
snabb config set paris / < vita-paris.conf
snabb config
.snabb config get-state paris /gateway-state
snabb config get-state
to query run-time statistics.Kubernetes Cluster Setup
We configure kube-node-paris as a Kubernetes master node. For simplicity of illustration we add an extra static host kube-node-tokyo using its private IP in the remote subnet, and disable the firewall.
networking.hostName = "kube-node-paris"; networking.extraHosts = '' kube-node-paris kube-node-tokyo ''; networking.firewall.enable = false; services.kubernetes = { roles = ["master"]; masterAddress = "kube-node-paris"; apiserverAddress = "https://kube-node-paris:6443"; };
We configure kube-node-paris to route packet destined to the remote subnet via vita-paris, and set the route’s MTU accordingly. I.e., we forward packets for the subnet directly to the Vita node, bypassing the default gateway.
ip route add via dev eth0 mtu 1440
We also take note of the “apitoken” generated for the Kubernetes cluster.
Kube-node-tokyo is configured as a regular Kubernetes node, with kube-node-paris as its master.
networking.hostName = "kube-node-tokyo"; networking.extraHosts = '' kube-node-tokyo kube-node-paris ''; networking.firewall.enable = false; services.kubernetes = { roles = ["node"]; masterAddress = "kube-node-paris"; apiserverAddress = "https://kube-node-paris:6443"; };
Again we configure the routing table to route packets for the paris subnet through the Vita tunnel.
ip route add via dev eth0 mtu 1440
Finally, have the Kubernetes node join the cluster using the cluster’s “apitoken”.
nixos-kubernetes-node-join < apitoken.secret
Verifying the Setup
You should be able to verify the setup and test connectivity using ping
, traceroute
, and iperf
on kube-node-paris and kube-node-tokyo. Further, you can verify that the cluster assembled successfully via kubectl
on kube-node-paris.
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/cluster-admin.kubeconfig # List cluster nodes kubectl get nodes # Pods running on kube-node-tokyo? kubectl --namespace kube-system get pods -o wide # Any error events? kubectl --namespace kube-system get events